Thursday, January 3, 2013

    Well, I've finally done it! It's been on my heart to start a blog for a while now. I am a writer. I can never seem to convey what is in my mind or heart with words. I need pen and paper, or keyboard:) I pondered my reason for starting a blog, what name I would use, and about what subjects I would write. I've been doing a lot of soul searching. God, knowing my need, has led me to some great articles and resources which I hope to share. I know I am not alone. It can be a struggle to live life to the fullest. We can become bogged down by the mundane, the routine, the never ending-ness of dishes, laundry and cleaning. The feeling of not having accomplished all we need or want to get done in a day or a week or even a year can be discouraging.The demands of meeting everyone's needs sometimes results in neglecting or even forgetting about our own. Instead of pressing in to Him and His word and His life giving presence, we falter.
    So I speak more to myself than anyone else as I title my blog. It's an admonishment and encouragement to have "joy in the journey"; to see the Beautiful, the Wild, and the Wonderful in this life that we live; to enjoy Him and truly see the ways He reveals Himself to us.
    Here is a link to the e-magazine Impart with a great article entitled I'm On A Quest to Get My Groove Back by Michele Vanmatre. When I read it I felt as if I could have written it myself. Enjoy!


  1. wow, i love it! now only if i knew how to follow you! :)

  2. Make sure to let me know when you get your "follow via e-mail" button up and running. :) ~Jill
